“No one ever gets exactly what they thought they were going to get. But if you work hard, and are kind, amzing things will happen.” — Conan O’Brien, 2010
It seems like not too long ago I was in high school listening to the latest “what’s what” of the world I knew at the time. All the drama seemed to hit all at once. And time and time again, all I could hear was how things continued to fall apart. Heck, I remember one teacher telling us to prepare ourselves for life because most of our life is spent trying to keep things from falling apart rather than trying to put things together.
I graduated high school in 2011. And the moment my name was called on the list of people actually graduating, I begin putting things together. I went to broadcasting school and immediately began to see myself in a field that I can work in for the rest of my life, and part of yours too. Here I am, 3 years later, planning and preparing for The VIP Experience Showcase that’s about 2 weeks away. Fear is settling in. Excitement is settling in. Anxiety is at it’s highest. Yet, day by day, things are coming together.
For those of you who are looking for the positiveness in life, remember this: Yes, things do fall apart. Yes, nothing always goes 100% as planned, but if you roll with the punches and aren’t overly worried about things not going completely as planned, you will end up with a happier life.